Συνολικές προβολές σελίδας

Πέμπτη, Αυγούστου 01, 2013

Χρειάζομαι την βοήθειά σας

Πως να  κάνω πιο δημοφιλή το ιστολόγιο μου?? Η λύση είναι μία (και ο μπακλαβάς γωνία)... Αυτό που πρέπει να κάνετε εσείς είναι να πατάτε το κουμπί  '' +1 '' για να το κοινοποιείτε.... Θα μου ήταν ευχάριστο αν γινόσασταν ακόλουθοι ή και να γράφετε σχόλια..Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ cu next time  =]

Τετάρτη, Ιουλίου 31, 2013


Οι καιροί είναι δύσκολοι...Είμαι 15 χρονών και θέλω να κερδίσω χαρτζιλίκι αλλά οι γωνείς μου δεν μου δίνουν λόγο οικονομικής κατάστασης...Τί να κάνω?Κάμοια ιδέα?

Αν έχετε κάποια στείλτε μου μύνημα στο efoula.rota@gmail.com
                        θα περιμένω =]

Κυριακή, Ιουνίου 09, 2013


Για όλους εσας: ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ ΕΠΙΧΗΡΙΣΗ!


σκέφτηκα ότι στις μέρες μας μόνο με την δουλειά δεν τα βγάζεις πέρα για αυτό λοιπόν αποφάσισα να ανοίξω μία μικρή επιχείριση με αρκετό κέρδος και όχι μεγάλο χώρο εργασίας (έως 50 τετραγωνικά=μικρό ενοίκιο).Για παράδειγμα εάν έχετε δει τα πρατήρια ντόνατσ ''ΝΑΝΟΥ'' δηλαδή οικονομικά προϊόντα και μικρός χώρος εργασίας...Θα περιμένω  στα σχόλια* να δω ωραίες και δημιουργικές ιδέες...Παρακαλώ κοινοποιήστε το για να με βοηθήσετε...

*σχόλια=αν στο παραπάνω άρθρο δεν υπάρχουν σχόλια πατήστε ''δεν υπάρχουν σχόλια'' και θα σας βγάλει χώρο ώστε να μπορείτε να γράψετε..Περιμένω απαντήσεις σας με μεγάλη ανυπομονησία ευχαριστώ

Παρασκευή, Απριλίου 26, 2013


1)Αυτός: Ναι, επιτέλους. Δεν μπορούσα να περιμένω άλλο.
Αυτή: Θέλεις να φύγω?
Αυτός: Όχι, ούτε καν να το σκέφτεσαι.
Αυτή: Με αγαπάς?
Αυτός: Φυσικά. Όσο πάει και πιο πολύ.
Αυτή: Μ' έχεις απατήσει ποτέ;
Αυτός: Όχι βέβαια.
Αυτή: Θα με φιλήσεις;
Αυτός: Οπωσδήποτε.
Αυτή: Θα με χτυπήσεις;
Αυτός: Είσαι τρελή; Δεν είμαι τέτοιος τύπος.
Αυτή: Μπορώ να σ' εμπιστευτώ;
Αυτός: Ναι!
Αυτή: Αγάπη μου!Τώρα διαβάστε το ανάποδα, από κάτω προς τα πάνω...






3)Ξέρω 9 πράγματα για σένα !
1.Διαβαζεις αυτα τα σειμία
2. Δεν μπορείς να πείς "μ" χωρίς να αγγίξουν τα χείλη σου!
3. Μόλις το δοκίμασες  
4. Χαμογέλασες ή γελασες!
6. Είσαι αγόρι ή κορίτσι  
7. Δεν είδες πως προσπέρασα το 5  
8. Μόλις κοίταξες  
9. Αυτό σου αρέσει!

4) Για να με πιάσεις θα πρέπει να είσαι γρήγορος...

\για να με βρεις θα πρέπει να είσαι έξυπνος,

αλλά για να γίνεις σαν εμένα.....


θα πρέπει να αστειεύεσαι!!!!

5)Sunny days are the aim of happines

6)How many sunny days do you need to be happy?

7)Η αληθηνή αγάπη δεν κρύβεται μέσα σε ένα ''Σ' αγαπώ'' αλλά μέσα σε ένα '' Σε μισώ ''

8) -Πού είσαι?
     -Στον κόσμο μου....
    - Τι κάνεις?
    - Εντύπωση

[1]Θέλω να σου πω ένα μυστικό.Αλλά μην το πεις...ΔΕΣ ΣΤΟ ΝΟΥΜΕΡΟ 5
[2]Η απάντηση είναι...ΔΕΣ ΣΤΟ ΝΟΥΜΕΡΟ 11
[3]Μην τρελαθείς...ΔΕΣ ΣΤΟ ΝΟΥΜΕΡΟ 15
[4]Ηρέμησε...μην τρελέναισε ...ΔΕΣ ΣΤΟ 13
[5]Πρώτα ΔΕΣ ΣΤΟ 2.
[6]Μην θυμώνεις...ΔΕΣ ΣΤΟ 12
[7]Ήθελα απλώς να πω ΓΕΙΑ!
[8]Αυτό που ήθελα να σου πω είναι...Η ΑΠΑΝΤΗΣΗ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΣΤΟ 14
[9]Κάνε υπομονή...ΔΕΣ ΣΤΟ 4
[10]Αυτή είναι η τελευταία φορά που θα σου σπάσω τα νευρα...ΔΕΣ ΣΤΟ 7
[11]Ελπίζω να μην τρελαθείς αν πω αυτό...ΔΕΣ ΣΤΟ 6
[12]Συγγνώμη....ΔΕΣ ΣΤΟ 8
[13]Μην αποτρελαθείς...ακόμη 2 λεπτάκια...ΔΕΣ ΣΤΟ 10   
[14]Δεν ξέρω πως να στο πω τώρα για να μην νευριάσεις...ΚΑΤΙ ΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΜΕΝΕΙ,ΑΛΛΑ ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΔΕΙΣ ΣΤΟ 3
[15]Πρέπει  θύμωσες πάρα πολύ...ΔΕΣ ΣΤΟ  9  


-Αγάπη μου
-Βάσανό μου
-Γλύκα μου
-Δάκρυ μου
-Ερωτά μου
-Ζωή μου
-Ηδονή μου
-Θησαυρέ μου
-Ιστορία μου
-Κουκλί μου
-Λαχτάρα μου
-Μάναρι μου
-Ναζάκι μου
-Ξενύχτι μου
-Όνειρό μου
-Παιδί μου
-Ρουμπίνι μου
-Σχέση μου
-Τρέλα μου
-Ύπαρξή μου
-Φωτιά μου
-Χάδι μου
-Ψυχή μou
-Ωμέγα μου!!! :P♥♥

11)Mαθητης: Κυριε τι βαζετε στις εξετασεις?
Καθηγητης:Τι βαζω?Τον πατερα μου και τη μανα μου βαζω ρε μεγαλε! Γραμματικουπα! Περιληψη, εκθεση, ασκησεις, μεταφραση...ευκολη αν εχεις διαβασει, δυσκολη αν δεν εχεις. Σε κοβω να μην εχεις....
Μαθητης: Οοοχι...
Καθηγητης: Μαθητααααααααααρα μουυυυυ! Δεν πειραζει! Θα σου δοσω και τα sos ,για να περασεις! Σκονακια, σημειωσεις αντιγραφες και για τους μετεξεταστεους εξεταση μπες-βγες!
Μαθητης: Φτιαξε μου δυο απ'ολα.
Καθηγητης: Πωπωπωπω, ονειρο ζω μη με ξυπνατε.. 

12)ονειρευτηκα να σε γνωρισω και σε γνωρισα. Ονειρευτηκα να
σ΄ αγαπησω και σ΄ αγαπησα. Ονειρευτηκα να μ΄ αγαπησεις
αλλα ηταν μονο ενα ονειρο.. Αν καποτε καταλαβεις ποσο
σ΄αγαπησα , ενα δακρυ  αμα κυλισει απ΄τα ματια σου. μην
το σκουπισεις  αφησετο να φυγει οπως αφησες να φυγω
                                         κι εγω απο τη ζωη σου..

13)Οι έξι αλήθειες της ζωής:
1.Δεν μπορείς να αγγίξεις όλα τα δόντια σου με τη γλώσσα σου.
2.Όλοι οι χαζοί, μόλις διαβάσουν το παραπάνω, θα το δοκιμάσουν
3.Και θα ανακαλύψουν ότι είναι ψέμα
4.Και τώρα χαμογελάς γιατί είσαι και εσύ χαζός.
5.Σίγουρα τώρα θα το βάλεις και στο δικό σου προφίλ.
6.Και εξακολουθεί να υπάρχει αυτό το χαζοχαρούμενο χαμόγελo στο πρόσωπό σου :P


15)Με μισείς..? Σε γράφω...   
Δεν με σέβεσαι...? Έχεις πρόβλημα.... 
Με φοβάσαι..? Καλά κάνεις...
Με θες.? Δεν είσαι και ο μόνος...
Με ζηλεύεις...? Με το δίκιο σου...
Με δουλεύεις...? Έτσι νομίζεις...
Μου λες ψέματα...?  Νομίζεις ότι σε πίστεψα...

Πέμπτη, Απριλίου 25, 2013

Δωρεάν πράγματα για το stardoll

Free Little Mix Hat

~If you are from France - Log in and enter THIS competition.
~If you're not from France- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a French proxy like
proxy.ianaz.com OR goanonym.com OR oui.lv
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go/Surf or simply Hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below into the URL/Address bar of the proxysite
6. Click Go/Surf or hit Enter on keyboard
7. Tick any anwser and click Enter Competition button. The page will reload, you should see 'Your contest entry has been submitted' text.
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The hat should be in a Little Mix bag in your suite. :)


Free Dress Inspired By Roxy

~If you are from Turkey- Log in and enter a competition HERE.
~If you're not from Turkey- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a Turkish proxy like
httpdserver.com OR serverhttp.info  OR httpdserver.info
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or simply Hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the contest link to the upper box of the proxysite
6. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
7. Fill in the two spaces with anything and click Enter Competition button
8. Wait till page loads. You should see 'Your contest entry has been submitted' text.
9. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The dress should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite. :]

Free Poppy Shorts

~If you are in Australia- Log in and enter a competition HERE.
~If you're not in Australia- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to an Australian proxy like
proxywebproxy.info OR freeninjaproxy.info OR unlimitaccess4u.info
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or simply Hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the contest link to the upper box of the proxysite
6. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
7. Complete the quiz with random anwsers and click Enter Competition button
8. Wait till page loads. You should see 'Your contest entry has been submitted' text.
9. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The shorts should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite. :]
Available till the 9th of May

Free The Hit Girls T-Shirt and Backpack

~If you are from France - Log in and join THIS club, then visit THIS link.
~If you're not from France- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a French proxy like
hideme.be/ OR proxy.ianaz.com OR frenchproxy.info
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go/Surf or simply Hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below into the URL/Address bar of the proxysite
6. Click Go/Surf or hit Enter on keyboard
7. Wait till page loads. You should automatically join the club.
8. Now paste the link below into the URL/Address bar of the proxysite
9. Click Go/Surf or hit Enter on keyboard
10. You should be redirected to Britanny Snow 2 doll.
11. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The items should be in 2 The Hit Girls bags in your suite. :)
Thanks to USD!


Free Oscars Inspired Gown

~If you are from Turkey- Log in and enter a competition HERE.
~If you're not from Turkey- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a Turkish proxy like
httpdserver.com OR serverhttp.info  OR httpdserver.info
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or simply Hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the contest link to the upper box of the proxysite
6. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
7. Complete the quiz with random anwsers and click Enter Competition button
8. Wait till page loads. You should see 'Your contest entry has been submitted' text.
9. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The gown should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite. :]
Available till the 23th of April


Free Just Dance4 Jacket

-If you are in Brazil - Log in and Enter competition HERE
-If you're not on Brazil - Follow these steps:
1)Go to any Brazilian proxy like these:
brazilsurf.info OR brazilunblock.info OR brazilsurf.info/
2)Copy and Paste this link in the blank bar on proxy
3)Click Go button or Press Enter on your keyboard, You'll see a contest
4)Log in Stardoll [in case you no longer see contest, paste the link again on proxy's bar]
5)Tick any answer and Click on Enter Competition
6)Wait till page reloads with 'Your contest entry has been submitted' text
7)Close the proxy and Go to Stardoll as usual
Jacket should be in a Just Dance bag in your suite [:
Thanks to USD


Free Nicki Minaj Pink Friday Outfit

~If you are in the UK - Log in and enter THIS competition.
~If you're not in the UK - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a UK proxy like:
quickproxy.co.uk OR webypass.info/ OR justproxy.co.uk/
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or simply Hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the contest link to the upper box of the proxysite
6. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
7. Click Enter Competition button, wait till page loads. You should see 'Your contest entry has been submitted' text.
9. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The outfit should be in a Nikci Minaj Pink Friday bag in your suite. :]


Free Fairy Wings

If you are on USA, Log in and you have them [:
If you aren't on USA at this moment, Follow these steps:
1)Go to any USA web proxy like
uswebproxy.com OR dontfilter.us/ OR bypassthe.net/ OR sslpro.org/
2)On proxy's URL/Address bar paste stardoll link
3)Click Go or Press Enter, and Log in stardoll and Log out (optional step)
4)Close the proxy and Go to stardoll.com
Wings should be in campaign bag in your suite [:


Free Lil-Lets Tote Bag

~If you are from the UK - Log in and send an e-card HERE.
~If you're not from the UK - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a UK proxy like: 
quickproxy.co.uk OR justproxy.co.uk/
2. Paste Stardoll link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below into the URL/Address bar of the proxysite
6. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
7. Wait till page laods.
8. Now fill the To, Email and From boxes with anything and click Send e-card button. 
Important: the e-mail must be valid, for example asdad@gmail.com (or any other valid email ending)
9. Wait till page loads
10. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The bag should be in a Lil-Lets bag in your suite. :]


Free So Undercover DVD Bag

If you are on UK, Log and Enter a contest HERE
If you aren't on UK at this moment, Follow these steps:
1)Go to any UK web proxy like
net-tunnel.co.uk/ OR iamaproxy.info/ OR proxay.co.uk/ OR finchroute.co.uk/
2)On proxy's URL/Addres bar paste stardoll link
3)Click Go or Press Enter, and Log in stardoll
4)On proxy's URL:/Address bar copy&paste the contest link
5)Click Gon button, page will load
6)Scroll down and Tick "Morris" or any answer
8)Click on Enter copmetition button then click it again (without typing anything)
Contest page should reload
9)Close the proxy and Go to stardoll.com
Bag should be in campaign bag in your suite [:

Some things to tell you [:

When I posted it, it was 5am at night now and I'd started some re-layouting here.
And do you like the new header I made on Paint? :D

Anyway, I have some things to tell you:
1)Please don't visit sites that end with ".p.ht" I also would suggest avoiding  ".tk" sites. Why? Because those may be not safe sites, because these days anyone can make a website, so those might end up as fake proxies. I'm telling you that as recently there was a girl who posted such site on comments. Be aware.
2)I bet you sometimes feel annoyed because of advertisements on proxies. UNLESS you are using AdBlock application on your internet browser, Just search for it on google.com or click here - it blocks any kind of ads, so there no longer will be any pop-ups [: I am personally been using this one HERE for Chrome. For Opera and Safari, check on getadblock.com But for Mozilla Firefox check AdBlock Plus
3)This blog daily gets so many visits that I'm thinking of new kind of posts - no worries, they won't cover the free stuff posts - they'd be next to About/Labels on top of page, in specific page
4)Anyone who has made youtube stardoll videos? I am thinking of adding "how to use manual proxy" and "how to find userID" and maybe some other instructions (tell if you can think of any) might be useful. I need a person who could make them.
5)Do you think that HTGF would need a Facebook page?
6)I'm desperate about how to get rid of spam and advertising of real life people. so if you ever read anything weird not related to stardoll posted, ignore it.
7)Plus I added "I like" and "Dislike ticking and a "Didn't work" option to tell if the free items is not working.

I'm now continuing with updating page and deleting no longer working things.
 Thanks for for being with us, HTGF [:


Free 100 starcoins

If you are from UK, Click the ribbon next to Academy, Do the tasks and Get the starcoins
If you aren't from UK, Follow these steps -
1.Go to a UK web proxy like
net-tunnel.co.uk/ OR iamaproxy.info/ OR proxay.co.uk/ OR finchroute.co.uk/
2.On white bar on proxy Paste or Type stardoll link
3.Click on Go or Press Enter on keyboard
4.You will see stardoll page, Log in
5.And Close the proxy tab/window
6.Go to stardoll.com as usual, Log in
AND you should now see this new ribbon
7.Click it and Do the tasks:
7.1.Visit Furby dressup: http://stardoll.com/en/dolls.php?id=2041
7.2.Click on "Email to friend" option and Type any character for names and you may use x@mail.com
7.3.Click "Send", then Click "Save Doll" and Save button.
A Furby message should pop up
8.Click "Finish project" and voila
100 Starcoins will be added to your account [:


Free Lego Friends Gift Interior

~If you are from the UK - Log in and join THIS club.
~If you're not from the UK - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a UK proxy like: 
krabappel.com/ppi-old/ OR webypass.info/ OR docoja.com/blue/ OR justproxy.co.uk/
2. Paste Stardoll link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below into the URL/Address bar of the proxysite
6. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
7. You should automatically join the club.
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The interior should be in a Lego Firends giftbox in your suite. Once you open it, you will find the interior under the Room Design tab in your suite. :)


Free Toonix Bear

Fist of all, you need to find and copy your user ID:
1. Click HERE and Log in to Stardoll
2. Click on the link below
3. Copy the UserID (everyone has a unique one)
4. Paste this link into your URL/link bar:
5. Now paste your UserID right after the '=' in the link
For example, the link should look like this:
6. Press Enter and wait till page loads
7. When the page loads, click Create a Toonix button
8. Now click Next button
9. A registration form should pop-up. Fill in the blank spaces with fake information (the e-mail should have a valid ending, for example: asd@mail.com) Here's an example:
8. Once you have filled all the fields, click the Next button. You should see this text for a few seconds:
9. Then you'll see this:
10. You can now close the page and go to Stardoll as usual.
The bear should be in a Tooonix bag in your suite. :]

Free Toonix Teddy

~If you are from the UK - Log in and enter THIS competition with correct anwsers given below.
~If you're not from the UK - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a UK proxy like:
krabappel.com/ppi-old/ OR webypass.info/ OR justproxy.co.uk/
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or simply Hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the contest link to the upper box of the proxysite
6. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
7. Important step: Tick these correct anwsers to the quiz:
8. Click Enter Competition button, wait till page loads. You should see 'Your contest entry has been submitted' text.
9. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The teddy should be in a Toonix bag in your suite. :]


Free Earth Hour Animated Clock

1. Log in to Stardoll
2. Click on this link:
3. When the page loads, scroll down till you see this
4. Tick the box
The clock should be in an Earth Hour box in your suite. :)

Free Just Dance 4 T-Shirt

~If you are from Brazil- Log in and enter a competition HERE.
~If you're not from Brazil- Follow the steps below:
1. Go a Brazilian proxy like
brazilproxy.com OR brazilunblock.info
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or simply Hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the contest link to the upper box of the proxysite
6. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
7. Tick any answer to the question and Click Enter competition button
8. Wait till page loads. You should see 'Your contest entry has been submitted' text.
9. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The T-Shirt should be in a Just Dance 4 bag in your suite. :]


Free RDMA Award and Microphone

~If your are from USA- Log in and click HERE.
~If you're not from USA - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a USA proxy like:
proxite.us/ OR dontfilter.us/ OR bypassthe.net/ OR sslpro.org/
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go/Surf or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log in to Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below into the blank box of the proxysite
6. Click Go/Surf or just hit Enter on your keyboard
7. You will be redirected to RDMA page, wait till page loads
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The items should be in a RDMA bag in your suite. :)


Free Lego Friends Lola

~If you are from France - Log in and visit the club HERE.
~If you're not from France- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a French proxy like
hideme.be/ OR proxy.ianaz.com OR frenchproxy.info
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go/Surf or simply Hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below into the URL/Address bar of the proxysite
6. Click Go/Surf or hit Enter on keyboard
7. Wait till page loads
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
Lola should be in a Lego Friends bag in your suite. :)


Free Childline Neon Sign

~If you are from the UK - Log in and join THIS club.
~If you're not from the UK - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a UK proxy like: 
krabappel.com/ppi-old/ OR webypass.info/ OR justproxy.co.uk/
2. Paste Stardoll link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below into the URL/Address bar of the proxysite
6. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
7. You should automatically join the club.
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The sign should be in a Childline bag in your suite. :)